AC Electric SubSea Thruster Systems
PT. Marine Propulsion Solutions – Subsea Group introduces a range of brushless AC Thrusters ruggidly designed, low weight and extreme reliable. They are available in eight (8) sizes as show below in the specifications.
Larger AC Subsea Thrusters available by request – Data subject to change
MPS has developed and qualified a subsea Variable Speed Drive (VSD) for operations down to 3000 m. They can be supplied to operate upto three (3) AC Thruster units.
Key characteristics:
- Small – competing solutions are many times bigger.
- Flexible – operates many types of motors: induction machines, permanent magnet and servo motors.
- Robust – tolarates vibration, shock and electrical fluctuations.
Power transmission to subsea pumps and other power consumers are normally hydraulic from topside. In some cases electric power transmission to a subsea motor is used, with a VSD placed topside. Subsea VSD’s has only been available for small electric motors so far, and this has limited the freedom of subsea process/production systems design. With MPS subsea VSD, this limitation is removed.