Tidal Turbines

Electric Tidal Energy Systems…

 World Leader in Marine Renewable Energy

PT. Marine Propulsion Solutions utilizing E-Pod technology gained through its marine thruster and propulsion systems is recognized as one of the world’s leading tidal energy system developers and introduces this technology to the energy segments of the markets.

The Tides are as predictable as night and day, and they’re powerful! Now there’s a way of using the Kinetic Energy to produce electricity for communities

Our technology represents a novel method for generating electricity from a huge energy resource in the sea. It is rare enough for an entirely new energy resource to be developed but even rarer if the technology, as in this case:-

  • produces no pollution and has negligible environmental impact
  • delivers energy to a predictable timetable
  • has the potential to make a major contribution to future energy needs

Altough the relentless energy of marine currents has been obvious from the earliest days of seafaring, it is only now that the development of modern offshore engineering capabilities coinciding with the need to find large new renewable energy resources makes this a technically feasible and economically viable possibility.

PT. Marine Propulsion Solutions introduces new technology in the development of tidal stream turbines.

Basic requirements for cost-effective power generation from tidal streams using are a mean spring peak velocity exceeding about 2.25 to 2.5m/s (4.5 to 5 knots) with a depth of water of 20 to 30m

The rationale for developing this business is based on several robust arguments:

  • In the face of Climate Change and Peak Oil, the world urgently needs to acquire different energy resources with ability to deliver clean renewable energy in line with the Paris Protocol (most governments world-wide are committed to this) and PT. Marine Propulsion Solutions, Current Turbine Modules can deliver a major and uniquely new contribution to this need.
  • The scope for meeting future energy requirements solely from land-based resources will be constrained by conflicts over land-use; so large renewable energy projects will need to move away from crowded land areas, preferably out to sea. Fortunately, many potentially energetic marine current sites are not far from large electricity markets.

  • Based on our Electric Podded PM Marine Propulsion Drives, PT. Marine Propulsion Solutions has a competitive lead in its field, together with the most efficient technology and uniquely practical methods for servicing it.
  • Environmental impact is becoming a key issue in gaining consents for energy projects; MPS’s Technology is believed to have minimal environmental impact in that the physical footprint is very small, and rotor speeds are low enough to enable marine wild life to avoid being harmed.

In short we believe our technology meets a huge new need, and can deliver energy in future, as predictably as the tides that drive it and with minimal risk to the local environment

The underwater turbines look and work very much like wind power turbines. Each blade is mounted on an axis that attaches to a pod pile driven into the seabed.

Tide-driven currents will move the rotors at speeds of between 10 and 20 revolutions per minute, which is too slow to affect marine life.

The turbines will drive a gearbox that will, in turn, drive an electric generator and the resulting electricity will be transmitted to the shore via an underwater cable.

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates the worldwide demand for electrical power will increase 52% over the next 15 years.

Over 80% of the increased demand is expected to be fueled by non-petroleum burning facilities, creating a need within the power industry to produce more than $800 Billion in electrical power.

The cost-effective utilization of wind, hydro-electric, and hydrogen energy technologies is the key to meeting the demand.

Ours products are designed to meet these needs, and our commitment to the production of clean energy from renewable resources will support a healthy economy and healthy environment.

The Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator


  • Low speed with speed increaser, low speed high output voltage
  • High efficiency permanent magnet alternator, brushless, rare earth magnets
  • Protection grade: Designed for SubSea use with 25 Year life
  • Small size, light weight, high energy density
  • Simple structure, no excitation generator control box
  • Generator operates with high efficiency all rotational speeds
  • Submerged N-Fe-B Permanent magnet, Suitable for Bumps, repeated start, reversing the operating requirements
  • SKF grease high speed Bearing, maintenance free. Long-life time
  • Design by order, voltage, rotate speed, power etc., can change generator nacelle, can use different axis and output methods as requite to suit operation.

Technical Data

Standard Model – Larger Systems on request

Tidal-stream turbines are very reliable with 5-yearly maintenance cycles. These “clean-energy devices” will really help to ease the burden on diesel-fueled, gas and mini-hydro power generation in high-need locations; compensate existing shortfalls and assist with delivering electricity for increasing consumer and business needs.

While this advanced technology is initially more expensive than say, coal-fueled power generation, tidal stream turbine operation and maintenance costs are much lower and actually deliver fixed costs, whereas fossil fueled power generation delivers variable and progressively higher costs.

Conversely, tidal turbines have positive benefits from using renewable, sustainable energy (ocean currents); the turbines don’t require any land (installed offshore); are “environmentally friendly” (zero emissions) and, with zero CO2 emissions, these clean-power generators make a significant contribution to the world’s positive actions to reduce global warming.

…Trust in Smart Technology…


Jl. Brigjen Katamso 16 KM
Tanjung Uncang, Batu Aji
Batam 29424
Kepulauan Riau Indonesia

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